Home Learning 2018
This home learning is to cover the rest of the year.
Reading SMART
Please read for 15-30 minutes each night from a variety of books,
from home or a library.
Read different types of books e.g. mystery, adventure, biography, nonfiction, poetry
Mathematics SMART
Do the set activities that relate to our current Mathematics topic on basic facts
and addition and subtraction. Your maths teacher will assign you tasks on
Study Ladder. Use the code they give you to sign in and you can complete up to
3 per night. If you are practicing basic facts, writing them out is a really good
way to learn them. Say them as you go and make flash cards so you can answer them
Study Ladder. Use the code they give you to sign in and you can complete up to
3 per night. If you are practicing basic facts, writing them out is a really good
way to learn them. Say them as you go and make flash cards so you can answer them
really quickly. Other strategies to practise basic facts for speed are; cards
and card games, dice, filling in a grid with numbers across the top and down the
side and, of course, practising them in the car on the way to school.
Spelling SMART
Spelling words are to be learnt at school and at home. To give your child extra
support, a notebook will be sent home each week on a Friday with the list of
words for the next week. Please make sure the notebook comes back the
next Friday so the new list can be entered.
Please note:
From time to time to time there will be other home learning
relating to other learning areas, particularly inquiry. If your
child is out of the classroom regularly for music, choir or
Kapa haka then there may be work to catch up on.
Some suggestions for those that want more:
- Do some cooking -make a slide show/short movie.
- Get into writing some letters or emails to someone you know that lives out of town or in another country
- Help out around home: Choose a job to do for family to help your team be strong!
- Using common kitchen products do an interesting science experiment (Parental guidance recommended)
- Improve your fitness: Participate in a sport (team or individual) e.g. tennis, cricket, swimming etc.
- Visit a museum, art gallery or place of interest
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